Training Information
Non-training period
For a least two weeks after State Championships, but generally from the State Championships until the start of the Off Season.
For Masters: whole of June.
Beginners program
Runs for 4-5 weeks from end of March through April.
Off season
Starts: the week after the mid-semester break for semester one. Typicall this is mid to late April. For Masters, the off season commences 1 July.
Ends: either for the UniSport Nationals preparation or HPYT preparation.
UniSport Nationals/Australian University Rowing Championships
The UniSport Nationals, or some years the Australian University Rowing Championships, are held during the mid-semester break for semester two, typically at the end of September.
The UniSport Nationals block commences at the start of August until the end of the championships.
Head of the Yarra (HOTY)
HOTY is typically held on the last Saturday of November. The HOTY training block commences at the start of October until HOTY.
Summer season
Starts: the summer season commences after HOTY.
Ends: the summer season generally ends after the State Championships in February/March.
Masters season
The Masters season runs from March until the end of May/beginning of June.
- Learn how to row
- Compete in at least 5 regattas
- Win out of D category
Workload – competition season
- 2-3 water sessions a week
- 1 land based session (any form of training)
Workload – off season
- 1-2 water sessions a week
- 1 land based session (any form of training)
- 2 coached sessions a week
- Bring up member’s basic skills in order for them to progress to the intermediate squad
Intermediate squads members are expected to understand the commitment required for attaining success in rowing, can work well in the squad and with other squad members.
- Compete at as many regattas as possible
- Win out of C category
- Compete at Intervarsity
Workload – competition season
- 2-3 water sessions a week
- 1-2 land based sessions (1 at the rowing club)
Workload – off season
- 2-3 water sessions a week
- 1-2 land based sessions (any form of training)
Coaching – competition season
- At least 2 coached sessions a week
- Clear plan for the squad’s development and identification of key regattas and a strategy for developing skills and experience necessary to progress to senior squad
Coaching – off season
- 2 coached sessions a week
- Training plan that builds on key competencies and fitness/strength
Senior squads members are expected to commit to training schedules with a minimum of absenteeism, can work well in the squad and with other squad members.
- Row at A/B level competition
- Compete at Intervarsity
- Compete at Open State Championships
- Compete at National Championships
Workload – competition season
- 3-5 water sessions a week (3 morning sessions)
- 2-4 land based sessions (2 at the rowing club)
Workload – off season
- 2-3 water sessions a week
- 2-3 land based sessions (any form of training)
Coaching – competition season
- 3 coached sessions a week
- Clear plan for the squad’s development and identification of key regattas and a strategy for winning state/national titles
Coaching – off season
- 2 coached sessions a week
- Training plan that builds on key competencies and fitness/strength
- Compete in Masters series of regattas
- Compete at Masters State Championships
- Compete at Masters National Championships where appropriate
- Compete at RV score regattas where possible
Workload – competition season
- 3-4 water sessions a week (3 morning sessions)
- 1-2 land based sessions (1 at the rowing club)
Workload – off season
- 1-2 water sessions a week
- 1-2 land based sessions (any form of training)
Coaching – competition season
- At least 2 coached sessions a week
- Clear plan for the squad’s development
Coaching – off season
- 2 coached sessions a week
- Training plan that builds on key competencies and fitness/strength