Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO)
LURC has adopted Rowing Australia’s Member Protection Policy to reinforce our commitment to the promotion of respectful and positive behaviour and values. The policy provides a code of conduct forming the basis of appropriate and ethical behaviour, by which everyone must abide.
An MPIO is able to provide information about the rights, responsibilities and options available to address any issues and assist with understanding the complaints process within the Club.
The MPIO will listen, provide moral support and act as a sounding board but does not investigate or get involved in the actual complaint process. All matters will be dealt with confidentially and impartially, with the safety and welfare of Club members paramount to the outcome.
If you believe you have experienced or observed an incident at LURC that breaches the framework of the Member Protection Policy, you should report the matter to our MPIOs. You will be then contacted by one of our MPIOs who will be able to assist you in understanding the resolution process.